Friday, 24 February 2012

Fresh Horses Brigade: The Sorry Edition

The awesome Eden over at Edenland has asked her Fresh Horses Brigade to share what they are sorry for. I have definitely detected a sarcastic note (!) to her post and I have the distinct impression that Eden and some other awesome contributors are sharing what they are NOT sorry for.....Have a look!

Edenland's Fresh Horses Brigade

Here, I’m going to do the same….

I’m sorry that I’m so proud of my children…all the time. Your own mum has to be proud of their kids right?!

I’m sorry my kids do well at sport, win races, get awards….but hey, they spend a lot of time training and working hard… the people who take issue with this…I don’t see your kids out there!

I’m sorry that sometimes, I just really need my own space.

I’m sorry I’m so driven and demanding of myself…that’s just who I am, it’s all or nothing around here!

I’m sorry I’m not a musician  and I don’t do music anymore. It’s just not who I am.

I’m sorry I have no belief in a God…I have actually tried many times but I can’t seem to suspend my rationalism and logic far enough! I don’t have anything against those that do. I actually envy your peace and trust and faith.

I’m sorry I’m not a great friend, sister, daughter, partner…

I’m sorry the Labor Party are doing such a great job of knife-wielding, self-destructing,  and instating Mr. Budgie Smugglers as Australian PM

I’m so sorry my little boy has so much trouble just trying to find his voice. I want him to be heard, he has plenty to say.

(I am actually really sorry, no sarcasm intended, about these last three).

I’m sorry I don’t have  the intestinal fortitude to publish this post…I'm worried it might hurt too many feelings….I’m sorry.

Or just maybe…thanks to Edenland….I do have the guts after all….

…..because this is who I am

 And I’m NOT sorry!!


  1. I felt the same about hitting publish. I'm still not convinced I should leave it up to be honest.

    Bloody Eden making us be real.

    1. Your post was just amazing Kate! I had tears in my eyes reading it!

  2. Way to go Nicole....we can never be too 'sorry' of how proud we are of our kids :)

  3. Awesome! I did have a giggle re your Labor party paragraph too :)

    1. Thanks so much Lyndaal...sorry about the image described in that labor party paragraph!!

  4. You sound bloody lovely to me! You have it all covered here - sport, religion and politics! Good on you for being authentic and being honest.

    1. Thank you Lee..I'm been really worried about this post. Thanks for being supportive!

  5. You sound like you know your mind. And have a great sense of humour. :)

    1. Thank you so much Deborah! I hoped somebody would recognize the humor :)

  6. Great post - laughed at the 'budgie smuggler' reference. He's just awful, isn't he!? :D

  7. *grins* Some things society occasionally expects you to apologise for, but I love that you are strong in your decision it is right for you.
    I noticed when you said sorry for not being a great friend, sister, etc, you didn't include Mother, so Congrats on being a Great Mother! That is a wonderful thing.

    1. Thank you so much for your supportive comment! I love that you noticed I hadn't included mother in my sorry list. I try my damned hardest to be the best mum I can possibly be and apologizing for that didn't seem right. I was sorry about my other roles because I feel that I just can't be all things to all people, especially while the kids are still young. I'm so glad you picked up on that :)

  8. I, too, had difficulty publishing my post! It's hard to out yourself out there sometimes, I'm getting there one post at a time. Loved reading your post and can relate to a lot of it.
    Mandie x

    1. Thanks so much Mandie! This was the most difficult one yet!

  9. Hey Sports ... LOVE what you wrote, and that you pressed publish. Thank you.

    This weeks is kind of cool, isn't it?

    1. Thanks Eden! It sure made me stop and think...and grow some great big hairy ones too!!! Thank you!!
