Wednesday 11 April 2012

They Grow Up So Fast

Well, it seems like only yesterday....we were visiting each other in hospital for the births of our babies...

Flash and Mr Cousin, exactly 9 years ago today

With 5 babies in 4 gatherings were always accompanied by the sounds of crying and at least one of us would be taking turns standing at the table rocking and and comforting a baby so the others others could eat. Dinner music would be a wiggles DVD as we were all squished around highchairs. There would often be a child crawling under the table for attention and we'd all be scoffing down food as fast as we could so we could go and look after the children.

Flash, Miss Cousin, Muscles and Mr Cousin

If you are reading this and are at that's hard....but so worth it!! things change!

I loved and enjoyed that time when our children were babies and toddlers but please don't judge me too harshly if I admit that I''m mostly glad that we've moved on tho this next phase....

I have just had the best Easter with my Mum, my Brother and his family. It was everything that I thought it would be. The kids had an absolutely  fantastic time playing together. They have formed a kind of a gang and have that special bond that cousins have. We have all got to know each other a little better and I really think some fantastic memories have been made.

I truly enjoyed cooking for my family...and receiving the compliments :) . Now that the kids are older we have the opportunity of having relaxing family meals! I loved organizing Easter and the Easter-egg hunt..Taking the kids out to some fun spots and watching them laugh smile and play.

Before I had children and when they were babies, I had often imagined what it would be like to see them all playing together...and it is wonderful!

For me, some of the best times were simply spent talking, drinking, watching really, really trashy TV into the wee hours of the morning with my sister in law.

But this morning they have packed their car and we have waved them up the hill. The little face of my niece stuck up against the car they return home after a 12 hour drive....

...until next time...

I have really enjoyed this time spent with the I reflected on them as babies and toddlers, I couldn't help but imagine them as teenagers....

...God help us!!!!....

Flash (with the ball) and Mr cousin on the right. Muscles, Miss Cousin and Buster on the left

So, today I am thankful for having a wonderful Easter weekend with my family. I'm also thankful that those five babies have grown up to be wonderful friends!

Linking up with Kate Says Stuff for Thankful Thursday (but not in Haiku) hop over and see what the Thursday crew are thankful for!


  1. That looks like some serious fun!

    My cousins and I are very close, this brought back some great memories :)

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad my blog brought back some good memories for you. I hope I created some great memories for the kids this weekend too!

  2. Each stage has it's own challenges but also it's own joy and often it is only in hindsight that you appreciate that!!

    Love this post. I have 3 kids with the 3rd one 7 years younger than the older 2 and some days it is a bit of a crazy place here!

  3. It's so special to see kids growing up together - especially cousins.
    What great memories they're creating.
    :-) xx

    1. Thanks Shar! It's wonderful to see them grow up. I wonder what they will remember?

  4. LOVE this post! Isn't it amazing when you look back... I was going through some old photos today as I was packing... my big boy as a baby, the days of two kids, then three... some of it felt endless and so hard at the time but looking back it passed me by in a heartbeat.

    1. Thanks Kate! It really is amazing looking back :)

  5. My kids have a very special bond with their cousins, despite only seeing them every few months. 10 cousins in five years, all so close and the best of friends. So special for you and your family.

    1. Wow! 10 cousins in 5 years!! Your family dinners must be amazing :)

  6. Lovely photos of good old fashioned family time. I find it remarkable to watch the babies grow up too. It happens way too quickly. So nice for your littlies to have cousins to grow up with, my boys kind of missed the boat in a way, as most of my brother's children are now grown up or too old to play with the young ones. Luckily we have lots of friends with children of the same age as our boys xo

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment! I think it's wonderful watching the kids play and grow up it's cousins or friends!

  7. Don't let them buy Blackberrys or other smartfones or that's the last word you'll ever hear from them again, apart from "I need to talk to you about my phone bill."
