Saturday, 14 January 2012

Flowers on Saturday: The North Coast

There is a dramatic difference in climate between my home city Canberra, and the Far North coast of NSW, the region I grew up in.

In Canberra, summer can (usually) be hot and dry, the grass turns brown…as far as the eye can see. The air, and everything else just seems to have the water completely dried out from it.

In Northern NSW the climate is semi-tropical, green and lush. Sometimes the humidity feels like a weight, making the air thick and steamy.

Here are some photographs of flowers I came across on my holiday in Northern NSW. Though common in Northern NSW, you just don’t get flowers like these in Canberra!


Since it’s Saturday, I thought I would join with two  lovely new memes I’ve discovered through  the greatest of these is love…… Flowers On Saturday and Weekend Flowers.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm having some fun trying out some new things with my camera!

  2. Lovely flowers! We do have very different flowers in our tropical climate compared to Melbourne (where I grew up) and Canberra. Beautiful though. It looks like you had a lovely holiday in Northern NSW.
    Thanks for mentioning me in your post :)
    (though the link goes to Tina's blog)... It is a nice meme to link up with!

    1. Thank you Liz, Sorry about the link; I've corrected it now! Thants what you get for blogging at 12.30am!

  3. gorgeous flowers and photos. :-)

  4. what wonderful flowers!! SO beautiful!!!

    1. Thank you so much Linda, and thank you for the follow too!

  5. thanks for this pretty flower selection :)

    1. Thanks Tina, and thanks for host your lovely flowers meme....the flower photography is amazing!

  6. Hi, my first time here, amazed at your profile description! I didn't know hibiscus doesn't grow in Canberra, haven't been there but been to NSW, former visiting scientist at CSIRO North Ryde (haha, familiar sound?). All of those flowers we have here in the Philippines. BTW, where in upper NSW you grew up? I've been to Coffs Harbore, Newcastle. I miss Australia, i think you can feel that in how i wrote them here. thanks.

    1. Hi Andrea, I worked at the CSIRO (but in Canberra) Too!....small world!

      As I child I lived in Alstonville and Casino, but I love all the little towns in that area! The flowers remind me of being there.

  7. Great photos. Most of these blooms are common sights way up here in the humid tropical north. I was just down in Canberra recently, over New Year, and found the summer weather down there to be just glorious. It was cool and quite green down there this summer. Up here it's just muggy and hot.

  8. Yes, cool for sure, I'm wearing a jumper right now at my computer! Thanks for your lovely comments Bernie!

  9. Except for the last one, these flowers are commonly found here in Singapore and always blooming.

    1. Yes, They are very common in warmer climates! I'll have to post some local canberra flowers next time for comparison!

  10. Kwiaty są zawsze piękne, tylko nie wszystkie można u nas oglądać. Bardzo mi się podobają żółte :-). Pozdrawiam.
    Flowers are always beautiful, but not all of us can watch. I really like the yellow :-). Yours.
